
Stay informed about our cutting-edge tools, industry trends, and latest updates that will shape the future of research management.

How to Avoid Predatory Conferences

How to Avoid Predatory Conferences

Once you publish a journal article or present at a conference, you might start to receive emails inviting you to…

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How to Avoid Predatory Journals

There are millions of academic journals published every year and unfortunately not all of them are devoted to furthering research. …

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Getting Started with SmartCite

You’ve done the heavy lifting with your research, and now it’s time to put it all together. We know that…

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Expand your Literature Search with Dimensions

Expand your Literature Search with Dimensions

Have you ever wondered where Papers gets all of its citation metrics? Or its recommended articles? Well, wonder no more!…

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Finding your Font with SmartCite

SmartCite is our powerful cite as you write citation tool that is compatible with both Word and Google Docs. Using…

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Celebrating Pi Day: Exploring the Rich History of Pi

As we gear up to celebrate Pi Day on March 14th (3/14), it’s the perfect opportunity to dive into the…

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Tips and Tricks for Tidying Your Library for an Organized 2024!

January prompts many of us to declutter and organize our lives in preparation for a productive year ahead. Have you ever…

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Utilizing and Citing AI in Your Research

Over the past several months, we’ve collected feedback on the beta Papers AI Assistant. We are thrilled at both the…

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Papers 2023 in Review

We are deeply thankful for all of our users who continue to use Papers to help organize and streamline their…

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Academic Journey: Daniel Hook

With the start of a new school year underway, we got to reminiscing about our own experiences as students, researchers,…

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Academic Journey: Fatema Matin

With the start of a new school year underway, we got to reminiscing about our own experiences as students, researchers,…

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Academic Journey: Sara Gonzalez

With the start of a new school year underway, we got to reminiscing about our own experiences as students, researchers,…

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