
Stay informed about our cutting-edge tools, industry trends, and latest updates that will shape the future of research management.


ReadCube Papers is now Papers (and ReadCube)

This week we are splitting the ReadCube Papers brand into two separate entities: ReadCube and Papers. ReadCube will be the…

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Beta Waitlist: Get ready for Papers AI

Since our inception, our team’s focus has been eliminating the administrative strain and information overload associated with research. Today, the…

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citation styles blog post

Papers Offers Nearly 10,000 Citation Styles. Here’s How to Use Them.

In Papers, there are close to 10,000 potential citation styles to choose from when exporting a formatted citation or using…

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Write More Productively in Overleaf using Papers

You probably already know how easily Papers integrates into Word and Google Docs but did you know that you can…

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what is a reference manager? blog header

Simplify Your Research: Why You Need a Reference Manager

As a researcher in any space, the information and data that you ingest daily can be overwhelming. Even just organizing…

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2022 in Review

Papers 2022 in Review

What a year it’s been! Over this last year, we are so thankful for all of our users who continue to support us by utilizing Papers to the fullest. We hope we’ve helped make your research life a little easier with every update. We’re looking forward to all of the great things we have planned for 2023 – but first, let’s take a look at our 2022.

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Looking at Retracted Articles

Expanded Retraction Support is Here

We’ve further expanded the breadth of our article retraction alerting capabilities within the Papers platform. With the integration of the…

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July 2021 Review Header

July 2021 Features in Review

We’re excited to introduce our new features for the summer. In this July release, we’ve added some highly requested features…

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Mendeley Transfer Blog Image

Tips for Transferring Your Library to Papers from Mendeley

This post is part of a series on how to transfer your library from different tools. In this post, we’re…

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article matching blog image

The Dos and Don’ts of Using the Papers Article Matcher

With Papers, you can rest easy knowing that when you add articles to your library, they’ll come automatically resolved with…

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May 2021 in Review Blog Image

May 2021 in Review

We’re back with new features from our May update. Papers Import improvements RIS and BibTeX files come from all sorts…

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reference manager blog feature image

What to Consider When Choosing the Right Reference Management Software

Writers, editors, and researchers have a responsibility to provide accurate citations — and reference management software they use can play…

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