Alex Hodgson
January 5, 2015 --

ReadCube’s New Years Resolutions!

readcube new year's resolutions image

We got a lot accomplished in 2014, and this year will be no different. Here are just some of the things that are coming up in the ReadCube pipeline this year:

  1. Rapidly iterating on the Android app, matching the functionality of the iOS app (e.g. PDF viewer, annotations, enhanced PDFs, built-in search, recommendations, etc.)
  2. Web App for viewing and managing your library (that also means ReadCube can be used by Linux users!)
  3. Mobile version of our Web Reader
  4. Nifty browser extensions so you can seamlessly add new papers from the web.
  5. ReadCube web search engine that allows you to search across 70 million articles including specific parts of papers (e.g. figures, methods, etc.)
  6. Customizable articles tags and visual identifiers options to easily sort and search your library
  7. Customized notifications, feeds and saved searches to keep you better updated with new papers
  8. Improved file management system with the desktop app

There are also some top secret new features coming out for our ReadCube PRO users – stay tuned.

Follow up on Facebook and Twitter to keep up with the latest feature releases!

Happy New Year!

The ReadCube Team