Alex Hodgson
October 11, 2011 --

ReadCube Public Preview

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After a closed beta at Harvard and MIT, we’re excited to offer ReadCube for all life science researchers.

We are grateful to all of the students, fellows, and faculty at Harvard (particularly the Melton Lab) as well as the many researchers at other institutions, who have helped us design, test, and develop ReadCube.

We encourage you to download the app, import your PDF articles, and let ReadCube discover the latest research in your field.  Our recommendation engine will intelligently find relevant articles based on those that you’re already reading.

You can download the app at, and watch a quick intro video here.

We’re constantly working on adding new features to ReadCube, and we love feedback!  So if you have a great idea, head over to our feature request page, where you can share your idea with us or the ReadCube community.

Thanks, and please check back soon for more updates!

-The ReadCube Team