Papers 3 & ReadCube Desktop updates

A few exciting announcements about Papers 3 and the ReadCube Desktop:
1. A few weeks back we pushed a new Papers 3 update which offers enhanced support for FUSE, a variety of performance improvements and bug fixes including those relating to hand annotations, and author search. The update also provides both new library export options plus lays the foundation pieces for library transfer into the new combined ReadCube Papers app (for those interested in upgrading).
2. Last week, we pushed a ReadCube desktop update to support new app syncing as well.
3. We also finished up our library transfer tool that will support Papers 3 users to transition to the new app.
Speaking of the new app… The new app is looking great, and we will start the private beta roll out later this week.

With over 3000 beta testers signed up, we have hit “pause” on taking new volunteers for the moment. We will be sending invites to the testers by email. Please note that we will start with those who signed up first as testers and work to those who more recently signed up. We ask for your patience and be kind to our support team while waiting for access.
If you didn’t sign up as a tester, not to worry, after this initial phase of the private beta, we will be making it available to other early adopters as part of the broader rollout through August.
We will be posting more updates (and sneak peeks of the new app) so keep an eye out over the coming weeks.
If you have any questions in the meantime, just drop us a note to [email protected]!