Alex Hodgson
September 29, 2014 --

New Update to ReadCube for iPhone and iPad

Apple Products

As many of you know – ReadCube’s mobile apps for iOS is available for download from the App Store. It’s rated 4.5 stars and is the perfect companion to your desktop library.

We just pushed a new update with even more great features:

  • Navigation within the app and between PDFs is now much easier – the left side panel menu can be swiped in anytime, including from the PDF reader
  • Open PDFs are listed in the side panel menu and can be closed out by tapping the x buttons
  • A general Notes section has been added to the abstract view – type your overall comments for papers and sync them to your ReadCube Desktop app
  • Come across a Web Reader link in your browser? Although we don’t support the Enhanced Reader for mobile web browsers (yet), just tap the “Open” link in the Smart Banner at the top of the page to open the app directly to that article
  • Email sharing of metadata is now available – just tap on the Share icon in the article abstract view
  • The “View on Web” option now opens article webpages with the in-app browser
  • Emails to corresponding authors and ReadCube support can be composed within the app
  • Sped up the closing/saving of annotated PDFs
  • Many other performance improvements and bug fixes

If you’re an Android user – your app is on the way. Sign-up to get updates.Have any questions? You can always drop us a note at [email protected].

Happy Reading!