Alex Hodgson
June 27, 2012 --

New feature: List-based recommendations and much more

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We just released a new update to ReadCube!

We’re always interested in what tweaks and features you, our users, would like to make your lives easier. So, with your requests in mind, we’ve made a handful of helpful changes to ReadCube.

The part of today’s update we’re most excited about is the new and improved recommendations function. Personalized recommendations based what you’re already reading is great, but now it’s even better, since you can now see suggested articles based on any of your lists in ReadCube. With the new recommendations function, you can filter your recommendations by the same criteria you used to organize your articles.

List-based recommendations in ReadCube (legacy)

We didn’t stop there though…

We’ve included a bunch more tweaks to make your ReadCube experience even better, for instance:

    • ReadCube will now remember your proxy login details, so you don’t have to waste time typing them in every time.
    • You can now choose your default download folder for articles you download within ReadCube.
    • We know how annoying unresolved articles can be, so we’ve added a preference option (turned on by default) to have ReadCube match unresolved articles in the background while idle. You could even leave ReadCube open when you go to sleep, and wake up to a refreshed and cleaned-up library!
  • We’ve made some performance tweaks to make Enhanced PDF faster than ever, giving you hyperlinked references, author information, and automatic supplements at the click of a button.

Click here for a full list of additions and changes. As usual, ReadCube will update automatically the next time you open it, so go ahead and give this new update a try!

Happy Reading,

The ReadCube Team