#GetFTR Pilot Partner

At Papers, we have spent over a decade thinking about ways to make it easier for researchers to work with and stay on top of the latest scholarly literature. One of the most significant challenges has always been around streamlining full-text access. We are pleased to announce that, alongside our sister company Dimensions, we will be integrating “Get Full-Text Research” functionality into the Papers suite of applications.
What’s so exciting about this initiative?
The goal of GetFTR is to eliminate the friction that has existed between the tools you use to discover the latest papers and various methods to obtain the full-text for a given article.
By integrating with GetFTR, the article locating techniques you already love in Papers will be further expanded, utilizing your institution’s subscriptions to provide 1-click access to even more papers than ever before. If you don’t have access through your institution, participating publishers can provide access to an alternative version of the research, which will be more extensive than the abstract. The aim is to save you time by avoiding linking to dead ends.
Who is involved?
GetFTR has been initially developed by leading publishers ( American Chemical Society, Elsevier, Springer Nature, Taylor & Francis Group and Wiley) alongside a broad range of industry participants, including the American Society of Civil Engineers, Atypon, Digital Science, IEEE, Mendeley, PLOS, Silverchair and Third Iron. As this is an industry initiative, the expectation is that more publishers and discovery platforms will participate in the new year.
What does this mean for me?
In early 2020, we’ll be reaching out when the functionality is live within the app and would love to hear your feedback.