Alex Hodgson
January 13, 2013 --

Founders’ Message: A look back at 2012

Papers Blog Message from the founders Feature Image
What a year for ReadCube!
First, let us thank you, our ReadCube Community, for such loyal support this year, and great feedback! Your questions, comments, and suggestions have been a crucial force in driving the development, and we can barely contain our excitement about what we have for you in the year to come.
This year marked many major milestones for ReadCube, but a few of our favorites were:
  • Bringing the Enhanced PDF experience to the desktop, and enhancing more than 10 million articles
  • Taking our first step into making literature more affordable, both for institutions, and the general public with ReadCube Access
  • Creating the ReadCube Bookmarklet, our new way to streamline the process of getting articles into your library.
  • Rolling out our new and improved Web Reader, packed with new functionality to make the reading experience even better.
With that in mind, we’re planning to outdo ourselves in 2013. We have tons of exciting developments planned, but here are a few that we’re really excited about…(read on!)
  • Introducing the ReadCube experience on the web to more publishers, and expand our support to many more libraries and institutions
  • Putting ReadCube in the cloud, to let you access your library anywhere, including…
  • …mobile devices! We’re planning on making 2013 the year of ReadCube for iPad
  • Releasing our citation tool to make manuscript writing way, way easier.
…and so much more!
So, from us and the rest of the team, thanks again for a great 2012, and here’s to a great 2013!
-Rob and Siniša (Co-Founders)