Feature Spotlight: Shared Folders

As September ramps up, we wanted to ensure we’ve answered all of your questions on how Shared Folders in Papers can keep you one step ahead on all your collaborative projects.
What are Shared Folders?
Shared Folders are collections that allow you to share full-text articles and citations with other researchers. As part of a shared collection, you can see any annotations, highlights, and drawings your peers are making on a PDF in real-time.
Within ReadCube Papers you have the ability to create 5 different shared folders and invite up to 25 people to each folder. The best part – even if your partners do not have a ReadCube Papers account, they can take advantage of our 30-day trial to gain access to the shared folders.
Creating Shared folders
The easiest project you will have this semester is setting up your group’s Shared Library.
Navigate over to the + Icon in your library and begin adding in your team members’ emails.
Start dragging and dropping articles into your shared library!
Staying Organized
Create Lists and nested lists based on the papers and sections you are working on. This will help you find the citations you need when it’s time to write your paper.
Stay up to date on the papers your team members are reading. Check the Recently Read folder to see articles you may have missed that were imported by other members. The articles in bold are the ones you haven’t read yet!
Give each team member a color. This will help keep your annotations organized and you’ll know which member made what annotation.
If you do forget the color scheme you can always navigate to the Notes panel to see exactly who made what note.
Lastly, if you want a paper for later in the semester or another class you can move your Shared Folder articles directly into your Personal Library. Just grab the articles you want, drag and drop into your library and be sure to either choose whether you want to include your team members annotations or start reading from scratch!
We wish everyone good luck starting off the new school year! Remember, you can always apply for a student discount and save time organizing and reading with ReadCube Papers!
-The ReadCube Papers Team