Alex Hodgson
May 21, 2020 --

Feature Spotlight: Digging into the Metrics

ReadCube Papers Feature Spotlight Announcement

ReadCube Papers is more than just a place to store those PDFs. With Papers, we want to help enhance your research and allow you to discover articles smartly. Papers provides different metrics behind each article to help you go beyond using search engines.

Library Metrics

Every article imported into Papers will display a Metrics tab in your library. This tab contains metric article information to help show the relation of your article to your library. You can also discover new items directly from the tab.

full metrics pane of article

You’ll find the full citation count at the top of the Metrics pane, the Relative Citation Count. The graphs below display how widely cited the article is since its publication date. You can also view the chart annually to see which year the article was most mentioned.

Article metrics in Papers library


The citation panel gives you the full list of citations from the article. Each one contains a hyperlink to take you directly to that article page to discover more information.

Add the article directly into your library or start reading from where you are.


Lit review just became easy… and fun! The Mentions column will pull out how each other from the full list of citations, directly used the information from the article in your library.

Take a glance at how other researchers are using the article in your library. Are there similarities, is this article a fluff piece? Now you can get a snapshot at just how relevant an article is to your area.


The Recommendations feature ensures you never miss another essential paper. Papers gives highly personalized recommendations of new articles based on your library content and reading habits. The feature is a perfect match for your existing discovery strategy.

Dive deep into recommendations based on the library you are working with. Choose whether to find new articles from either your Personal or Shared Library.

shared library recommendations

Choose lists to narrow down recommendations by a particular project (especially helpful for new and side projects.)

list specific library recommendations

Set timeframes for recommendations to see articles published in the last week, two weeks, last month, three months, and more.

publication range recommendations

Click on the recommended article to view abstract and additional article information – as you do for papers already in your library. Interested in reading – click to download – and if you have access through your proxy, the article will automatically download and import to your library. If not, we will take you to the page where you can get access.

Remember, the more you use ReadCube, the smarter the algorithm gets. As you build your library and read in ReadCube, the list becomes more and more fitted to you and your research pursuits.

Another way to ensure you never miss a paper is our Related Article feed.
You’ll find this located on the top left when you open any PDF in the ReadCube Papers Web Reader.

Our related article feed looks at the full text of the article you have open and then compares it against our publication database, including over 105 million full-text articles. The feed is pulling out keywords and from other papers that highly match the one you are reading.

What’s more, each related article will show if you have access to the article, the article is in your library, or how to add the article for future reading.

Related Articles tab in the Enhanced Web Reader

Article Metrics

The Metrics tab on the web reader will also show you advanced article metric information to enhance your understanding while on the article itself. View the Dimensions score, Altmeric score, full citation count recent citations. 

What is the Dimensions Badge?

The Dimensions badge shows the total citation count for an article. By clicking the badge, the Dimensions page will open where it will display connecting any grants, publications, citations, alternative metrics, clinical trials, patents and policy documents that came from the article.

Dimensions article page

What is the Altmetric score?

The Altmetric Attention Score is a weighted count of all of the online attention Altmetric have found for individual research output. This includes mentions in public policy documents and references in Wikipedia, mainstream news, social networks, blogs and more.

Altmetric article page

What is the Relative Citation Ratio?

The RCR indicates the relative citation performance of a publication when comparing its citation rate to that of other publications in its area of research. A value of more than 1.0 shows a citation rate above average. 

What is the Field Citation Ratio? 

The FCR compares articles in similar subject areas. The FCR has a normalized range of 1.0 for each article. A score above 1.0 shows that the publication has more citations than other articles in its field. 

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