Alex Hodgson
December 4, 2020 --

Accelerating Access to COVID-19 Research

Accelerating COVID research blog feature

In March 2020, ReadCube launched a new initiative to facilitate access to literature relevant to COVID-19 research.  The COVID-19 Research Pass (CRP) program aims to provide direct access to over 26 million articles and is available to anyone studying or writing about COVID-19. Initial participating publishers include the JAMA, Springer Nature, and Wiley.

The CRP program expands on these efforts to provide COVID-19 researchers with access to a broader set of content needed in the course of their research. Rather than pre-filtering access to specific articles related to COVID-19, the CRP allows researchers to access any article from participating publishers they may need while studying COVID-19, including both open access and content behind paywalls. The ability to access related and prior work can be particularly helpful to researchers studying ways of improving therapies, clinical, and public health outcomes. For example, topics such as ventilators or respiratory syndromes often remain behind paywalls.

Additionally, the program can support COVID-19 researchers who are now working remotely and require remote access to literature.

Key aspects of the COVID Research Pass:

Instant Full-Text Access. Pass holders can access any full-text article (or book chapter) required for use in the context of their COVID-19 research.

Collaboration. Participants can generate temporary sharing URLs that provide read-only access (printing and downloading disabled) to the full text to anyone outside the CRP program. These links may be posted on social networking sites. Private collaboration groups are also accessible.

Explore articles across a range of fields such as the one’s below:

Prevalence of Depression Symptoms in US Adults Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic

The prevalence of depression symptoms is estimated to be more than 3-fold higher during COVID-19 compared with the most recent population-based estimates of mental health in the US.

Suicide Prevention in the COVID-19 Era Transforming Threat Into Opportunity

Policymakers, health care leaders, and organizational leaders must consider implementing steps to mitigate suicide risk during and after the COVID pandemic.

Digital Health and COVID-19

As the global coronavirus pandemic continues to increase,  teams around the world are rolling out an array of digital health initiatives. 

Artificial intelligence for the detection of COVID-19 pneumonia on chest CT using multinational datasets

Data suggest that algorithms based on artificial intelligence can readily identify CT scans with COVID-19 associated pneumonia, as well as distinguish non-COVID related pneumonias with high specificity in diverse patient populations.

Machine learning based early warning system enables accurate mortality risk prediction for COVID-19

A mortality risk prediction model for COVID-19 (MRPMC) utilizes patients’ clinical data on admission to predict physiological deterioration and death up to 20 days in advance

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