Alex Hodgson
May 31, 2012 --

Ask and You Shall Receive – New Updates!

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To our beloved users,

Just dropping in with a quick note about ReadCube’s Enhanced PDF functionality.

We just want to say how thrilled we are with how much everyone is using the Enhanced PDF feature to improve the reading experience for thousands and thousands of scientific articles available from Nature, PubMed Central, and other Enhanced PDF-enabled providers. In fact, we’re quite overwhelmed by how much positive feedback (nay, praise!) that you, our users, have been sending us about this feature. Just to pick out a few highlights…

  • You’ve told us that you love how the Enhanced PDF combines the easy reading experience of PDF with all the extra information of online full-text access.
  • You’ve said that with Enhanced PDF, you feel like you can “accomplish more with less effort.”
  • You’ve even speculated that the “Enhanced PDFs made the ‘normal’ PDFs jealous!”

Overall though, the thing we hear the most is that you’d like to see Enhanced PDF for more scientific papers out there. Well, your wish is our command!

We’ve been working hard behind the scenes on a really exciting update to ReadCube, specifically one which massively expands the breadth of content that is available as an Enhanced PDF. The fruits of our labor are almost ready for public consumption, and they number in the millions. Yes, you read that correctly, our next update to Enhanced PDF will support millions of articles from many different providers.

A more official announcement (and, of course, a software update) is coming very soon, so keep an eye out!

-The ReadCube Team